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app features:

A private virtual home backed by science.


quit4goodlife Invite your friends and loved ones to support you on your journey to Quit4GoodLife.

quit4goodlife Set and track your goals.

quit4goodlife See how much money you have saved by not smoking that next cigarette.

quit4goodlife Share your personal daily Journal with the public or your support group

quit4goodlife Write on your feature rich "public wall" and/or post a comment on your friend's "public wall".

quit4goodlife Monitor your daily cigarette intake, receive weekly & monthly reports, and compare your progress report with others in the community.

quit4goodlife Access the lastest smoking cessation resources and studies through the library.


If our self help is not enough ask your doctor to
join the Quit4GoodLife Community. Send this link to
your doctor to join your Quit4GoodLife Journey.